Miller Recycling & Northeast Data Destruction adding new software to better service our growing list of customers. Following an extensive 2+ year process of research, we have chosen Nexus Recycling from Los Angeles, CA to assist with improving efficiencies, lowering costs, and streamlining our operations in Mansfield, MA. Nexus Recycling Software is a custom software...Continue Reading
Recycling is both socially and fiscally responsible, as you surely know. Adding less waste to our landfills and using less of our limited natural resources – what’s not to like? Just about everyone at your workplace likely agrees. But if yours is like most companies, your current recycling processes probably leave a lot of room...Continue Reading
You may have heard that some municipalities are recently being charged for paper recycling. Why the sudden change? There are a number of factors that can impact the pricing for recyclable paper, plastics, and metals. These factors include the strength of the US or World economy, weather, transportation costs, and what we are now experiencing,...Continue Reading
Products of all kinds are packaged in it. There’s probably something made of it within reach of you right now. Polypropylene is, quite literally, everywhere. It’s a versatile and recyclable type of plastic, and demand for it is growing. The global polypropylene market is expected to be worth $133.3 billion by the end of 2023,...Continue Reading
Much has been said recently regarding the recycling commodity markets. It is common knowledge now that China shut their borders to all recyclable mixed paper and low grade plastics in January of 2018, and lowered contamination levels to almost unachievable levels on cardboard. Since then it has become considerably more difficult to market recyclables. And...Continue Reading
Life in America certainly hasn’t been boring these last few years. It’s become hard to predict what the future has in store, and a lot of industries are a little unstable right now. Metal recycling is no exception. Consumers and businesses who drop off their scrap at the local recycler may notice the prices they’re...Continue Reading
Quick: does April 22nd mean anything to you? If the date doesn’t sound significant, you’re not alone. Earth Day is held on April 22nd every year, although it’s unlikely that many Americans have committed that fact to memory. It’s not a holiday in the traditional sense; mail delivery continues as usual and kids don’t get...Continue Reading
Is the recycling industry coming to an end? Why all this talk? For the past few years you may have noticed any number of media articles addressing the downturn of the recycling markets. Some have even gone so far as to state that recycling is coming to an end. Is the recycling industry, something that...Continue Reading
Plastic is like trees: it’s everywhere, and you know it when you see it, but you probably can’t explain the difference between types. And why would you be able to? Life is complicated enough without having to commit to memory the ways that HDPE differs from LDPE; unless, of course, you work in the plastics...Continue Reading
Your intentions may be good, but your recycling practices may not be – and it’s time to change that. The term “wish-cycling” was coined to describe the phenomenon of people recycling things that they think or hope can be recycled. The pizza box made of cardboard (covered in grease), the plastic peanut butter jar (still...Continue Reading